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[CF-metadata] search category for aerosols & chemistry ?

From: Christiane Textor <christiane.textor>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2007 15:35:08 +0200

Dear all,

Is it planned to add a new category on the CF web site for the chemical
and aerosol names? I their number will increase quite a bit, and a
category included in the search facility would be very helpful.

In addition, do you think it would be possible to add the CAS numbers to
the help text for each species? That would help linking the CF lists to
other nomenclatures.

Best regards,

==new affiliation==new affiliation==new affiliation==new affiliation==
Christiane Textor
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Unite Mixte de Recherche CEA-CNRS-UVSQ
LSCE, CEA Saclay
L'Orme des Merisiers, Bat. 701 Piece 3b
mailto: christiane.textor at lsce.ipsl.fr
Tel ++33 1 69 08 34 07
F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex
GEOMON scientific project manager http://www.geomon.eu
Received on Tue Jul 10 2007 - 07:35:08 BST

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