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[CF-metadata] temporally / spatially variable metadata in NetCDF-CF

From: David Hassell <d.c.hassell>
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 20:46:02 +0000

Hi Markus,

I was wondering:

> PI contact information (variable in time)

Does this vary within a single variable, or is it constant in for any
given variable, but different between variables which span different

I suspect that a discrete sampling geometry might be the way
forward. I say "suspect" because, whilst I have read chapter 9 of the
conventions, I have never yet dealt with DSGs in practice. I'm sure
others can advise.

All the best,


---- Original message from Markus Fiebig (11AM 08 Feb 16)

> Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 11:58:47 +0000
> From: Markus Fiebig <Markus.Fiebig at nilu.no>
> To: "'cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu'" <cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>
> Subject: [CF-metadata] temporally / spatially variable metadata in NetCDF-CF
> Dear colleagues,
> in the group here, we recently came across a question where we thought we needed
> a NetCDF-CF wizard, and I'm sure these wizards are on this mailing list.
> We are running a data archive for time series data on atmospheric constituents
> measured at surface stations across the globe. The data are archived properly
> together with metadata, making them usable also without direct contact with the
> archive or data provider. However, since much of the data is considered research
> grade, we have the obligation to deliver information on the principal
> investigator (PI) of the data together with the data, in order for the data user
> to agree on how to acknowledge the data PI.
> If you only look at one dataset of one station, putting this data into a
> NetCDF-CF file is a straight forward exercise - you simply add all metadata
> items as global attributes to the NetCDF-CF file. To make using our data easier
> for (model) users, we'd like to put data from several stations, all measuring
> the same parameter, into one file. This results in a file with several time
> series, each having different metadata that needs to be included. Putting this
> metadata into global attributes isn't an option since the metadata aren't
> constant for the whole file. The metadata items comprise e.g. station position,
> altitude, PI contact information (variable in time), instrument type, etc. Some
> of these items are with advantage used as co-ordinate variables, e.g. station
> position, but that's not a solution for the rest of metadata items. Does anybody
> have a smart idea?
> Best regards,
> Markus
> --
> Dr. Markus Fiebig
> Senior Scientist
> Dept. Atmospheric and Climate Research (ATMOS)
> Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
> P.O. Box 100
> N-2027 Kjeller
> Norway
> Tel.: +47 6389-8235
> Fax : +47 6389-8050
> e-mail: Markus.Fiebig at nilu.no
> skype: markus.fiebig
> P Please consider the environment before printing this email and attachments

> pub 2048R/3461B5D2 2013-07-02 Markus Fiebig <Markus.Fiebig at nilu.no>

> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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David Hassell
National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS)
Department of Meteorology, University of Reading,
Earley Gate, PO Box 243,
Reading RG6 6BB, U.K.
Tel   : +44 118 3785613
E-mail: d.c.hassell at reading.ac.uk
Received on Mon Feb 08 2016 - 13:46:02 GMT

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