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[CF-metadata] Difficulties to display Swath files form NetCDF.

From: Denis Nadeau <denis.nadeau>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 12:03:08 -0500


I have looked at your L2P files and I am trying to do the same magic
that would allow me to display L2 CF1 netcdf files into IDV. I copied
almost all your medatadata in my netcdf file and I created a third
dimention to my "test" variable called "time".

I still cannot trigger my variable "test" as a grid. I don't know what
more to copy in there.
Any input from your part would be welcome.

Here is what I have so far.

   time = 1; // (has coord.var)
   nj = 45;
   ni = 30;

   float lat(nj=45, ni=30);
     :long_name = "latitude";
     :standard_name = "latitude";
     :units = "degrees_south";

   float lon(nj=45, ni=30);
     :long_name = "longitude";
     :standard_name = "longitude";
     :units = "degrees_west";

  int time(time=1);
     :units = "seconds since 1981-01-01 00:00:00";
     :long_name = "reference time of sst file";
     :standard_name = "reference time of sst file";
     :valid_min = "-1000";
     :valid_man = "8000";
     :scale_factor = 0.0050f; // float
     :add_offset = 273.15f; // float

   short test(time=1, nj=45, ni=30);
     :units = "kelvin";
     :_FillValue = -32768s; // short
     :coordinates = "lon lat";
     :long_name = "time131";
     :valid_min = "-1000";
     :valid_man = "8000";
     :scale_factor = 0.0050f; // float
     :add_offset = 273.15f; // float

 :title = "MODIS Aqua L2P SST";
 :DSD_entry_id = "JPL-L2P-MODIS_A";
 :platform = "Aqua";
 :sensor = "MODIS";
 :Conventions = "CF-1.0";
 :references = "GHRSST Data Processing Specification v1.6";
 :institution = "NASA/JPL/OBPG/RSMAS";
 :contact = "Ed Armstrong, JPL PO.DAAC, edward.m.armstrong at jpl.nasa.gov";
 :GDS_version_id = "v1r1.5";
 :netcdf_version_id = "3.5";
 :creation_date = "Wed Jan 2 03:45:56 2008";
 :history = "Quicklook MODIS L2P created at the GHRSST Global Data
Assembly Center (GDAC)";
 :product_version = "1";
 :spatial_resolution = "1km";
 :start_date = "2008-01-01 UTC";
 :start_time = "00:00:07 UTC";
 :stop_date = "2008-01-01 UTC";
 :stop_time = "00:05:05 UTC";
 :northernmost_latitude = -56.24939f; // float
 :southernmost_latitude = -80.19904f; // float
 :easternmost_longitude = 4.987639f; // float
 :westernmost_longitude = -73.76147f; // float
 :file_quality_index = 1.0f; // float
 :comment = "L2P Core without DT analysis or other ancillary fields; Night";

Craig Donlon wrote:
> Hello Denis:
> the GHRSST-PP (http://www.ghrsst-pp.org) provides swath data in netCDF
> format. Dave Poulter and Jorge Vazquez can help you look through one
> of the GHRSST-PP L2P files from MODIS and several other sensors
> all the best
> craig
> On 07/02/2008, Denis Nadeau <denis.nadeau at nasa.gov> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to convert a L2 Swath data file from HDF to NetCDF following
>> CF-1 Convention. I order to do so, I have tried to follow this method:
>> http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.0/cf-conventions.html#id2621732
>> I did not succeed to read back the NetCDF file properly into either:
>> Ferret, Grads or IDV. (getting aggravated :-! )
>> I saw in the mailing list archive that "Jonathan Gregory" has tried to
>> do something similar. Did he succeed?
>> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/pipermail/cf-metadata/2004/000426.html
>> So, is there a way to represent SWATH data using CF-1 Convention?
>> If so, is there a "Application" that can read the metadata and display
>> the image correctly (swath)?
>> Here is a L2 Swath HDF file I am using.
>> ftp://airspar1u.ecs.nasa.gov/data/s4pa//Aqua_AIRS_Level2/AIRX2RET.005/2008/019//AIRS.2008.01.19.001.L2.RetStd.v5.0.14.0.G08020192400.hdf
>> Thanks for your help on this issue.
>> Best Regards,
>> Denis
>> --
>> Denis Nadeau
>> Goddard Earth Sciences Data & Information Services Center
>> Code 610.2
>> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
>> Phone: (301) 614-5514
>> Fax: (301) 614-5268
>> email: dnadeau at pop600.gsfc.nasa.gov
>> http://disc.gsfc.nasa.gov
>> http://giovanni.gsfc.nasa.gov
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