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[CF-metadata] standard names

From: Haaring, P.A. <P.A.Haaring>
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2003 17:08:21 +0100

Dear all,

Could you help me with some mapping questions? I have some difficulty
mapping to the standard name list. Probably reading the CF convention 1.0 is
not enough and I should do some more reading first. If so any suggestions
are welcome.

1. Should I use "sea_floor_depth [m]" for the depth of the sea bottom at
time/place of measurement?
Or just something like depth, altitude, height, bottom_height or
Specifically: what should I use if it is the height above the Dutch local
datum (NAP)?

Are all depths in the standard name list relative to MSL? Or has a standard
name been agreed on (COARDS or CF) for something like depth_datum,
altitude_datum or height_datum?
If so is a corresponding codelist available like the one from the FGDC
m) which is very short.

2. Should I use "sea_surface_elevation [m]" for the water level at
time/place of measurement or just sea_level? And again the question about
used datum.

3. Regarding water_velocity: I have found the following CF standard names:
        "eastward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]"
        "northward_sea_water_velocity [m s-1]"
        "direction_of_sea_water_velocity [deg]"
        "current_speed" in one of the examples (par 3.3 of 1.0 beta5).
Why is (sea_)water_velocity by itself not a standard name? To be used
together with
What is the difference between current_speed and water_velocity?
If the cells are part of a curvilinear grid what variable should I use for
cell boundary speeds (meaning the average speed at a cell boundary
perpendicular to this boundary).

best regards,

Pieter Haaring
(PS. Maybe somebody could remove my full address information from the
mailinglist entry placed on Wed Oct 22 11:06:44 MDT 2003)

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