We use ncview. I also have some IDL programs that I have written.
I would be happy to send you those programs if it helps.
At 10:23 AM -0400 3/21/08, Denis Nadeau wrote:
>Hi Craig,
>Thank you for the help you have offered me. I was able to convert
>our SWATH data into netCDF following the CF-1 convention using one
>of your file as an example. My main problem was that I set the
>units to "degrees_south" and "degrees_west" and there is no such
>unit in the CF-1 convention.
>I do have another question about softwares. I personally like
>'IDV' quite a lot to display netCDF, but thought there might be
>other softwares that people use that I might not be aware of.
>What softwares is your community using to display netCDF (CF-1) data?
>Thanks again your help,
>Best Regards,
>2008/2/8, Craig Donlon
><<mailto:craig.donlon at>craig.donlon at>:
>Hello Denis:
>the GHRSST-PP (<>
>provides swath data in netCDF
>format. Dave Poulter and Jorge Vazquez can help you look through one
>of the GHRSST-PP L2P files from MODIS and several other sensors
>all the best
>On 07/02/2008, Denis Nadeau
><<mailto:denis.nadeau at>denis.nadeau at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to convert a L2 Swath data file from HDF to NetCDF following
>> CF-1 Convention. I order to do so, I have tried to follow this method:
>> I did not succeed to read back the NetCDF file properly into either:
>> Ferret, Grads or IDV. (getting aggravated :-! )
>> I saw in the mailing list archive that "Jonathan Gregory" has tried to
>> do something similar. Did he succeed?
>> So, is there a way to represent SWATH data using CF-1 Convention?
>> If so, is there a "Application" that can read the metadata and display
> > the image correctly (swath)?
> >
> > Here is a L2 Swath HDF file I am using.
> >
>> Thanks for your help on this issue.
>> Best Regards,
>> Denis
>> --
>> Denis Nadeau
>> Goddard Earth Sciences Data & Information Services Center
>> Code 610.2
>> NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771
>> Phone: (301) 614-5514
>> Fax: (301) 614-5268
>> email: <mailto:dnadeau at>dnadeau at
>> <>
>> <>
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