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[CF-metadata] netCDF time axis comforming to CF-1.0 convention

From: Stephane Poirier <stephane.poirier>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 14:02:09 -0400

Hi All,

I am trying to have our netCDF files comply to CF-1.0 convention.

CF-Convention compliance checker for NetCDF format (http://titania.badc.rl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/cf-checker.pl) returns the following error when checking my netCDF file's "time" variable: ERROR (4): axis attribute inconsistent with coordinate type as deduced from units and/or positive.

File http://www.oifii.org/do-org/dod/2010july23_time-axis-attribute-inconsistent-with-coordinate-type-as-deduced-from-units-and-or-positive.jpg shows how UCAR's NetCDF 4.2 Tool UI see's my netCDF file (http://www.oifii.org/imt/dai/crcm/MRCC.4.2.0_amno_adj_alsi_ps_196012_r(cf-1-4).nc).

Do I get this error because the "axis" attribute of my "time" variable is set to "t" instead of "time"?


Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
Geography Department, Burnside Hall
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
Stephane.Poirier2 at mcgill.ca
Cell. (514) 994-3532
Fax: (514) 509-8833
Stephane Poirier, M.Sc. Optical Physics
Remote Sensing Application Software Developer
3532 rue Sainte-Famille, Apt. 4
Montreal, QC, H2X 2L1, Canada
stephane.poirier at oifii.org
Tel.: (514) 509-8833
Fax: (514) 509-8833
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