[CF-metadata] Standard name(s) needed for satellite-based ice driftproducts
On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Pamment, JA (Alison) wrote:
> Dear Thomas,
> Thank you for your query. It is not necessary to open a trac ticket
> because discussion of standard names normally takes place on the mailing
> list.
> sea_ice_y_displacement [m]
> 'Displacement' means the change in geospatial position of an object that
> has moved over time. The time interval during which the motion took
> place must be specified using a bounds variable for the time coordinate
> variable. A displacement is a vector quantity. Sea ice displacement is
> defined as a two-dimensional vector, with no vertical component. "y"
> indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, when this is not
> true longitude, positive with increasing y. A y displacement is
> calculated from the difference in the moving object's grid y coordinate
> between the start and end of the interval given in the time bounds
> variable.
Hi Alison,
I think I spotted a cut-and-paste error in the above description. I
assume that it should be "y-axis" instead of "x-axis"?
Otherwise, the descriptions seem clear and reasonable to me. :-)
Best wishes,
Dr Philip Cameron-Smith Atmospheric, Earth, and Energy Division
pjc at llnl.gov Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
+1 925 4236634 7000 East Avenue, Livermore, CA94550, USA
Received on Wed Nov 05 2008 - 18:03:29 GMT
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