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[CF-metadata] Waves

From: Steve Emmerson <emmerson>
Date: Mon, 2 May 2016 08:47:26 -0600

> 2.a *"sea_wave_spectrum_peak_energy"*
> unit mms (meter*meter*second)

Just a quick comment: "mms" is not a good unit abbreviation because it
doesn't follow the rules <http://www.nist.gov/pml/pubs/sp811/sec06.cfm>.
And if you're not following the rules, then you have to allow that "mms"
could mean "millimillisecond".

Better alternatives would insert a "." or "*" between the individual
symbols. One could also use "m2" or "m^2" for "meter squared".

The best, unambiguous alternative would be to spell-out the unit as is done
in the parentheses.

Steve Emmerson
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