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[CF-metadata] ice mass change standard name

From: Andreas Groh <andreas.groh>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 2016 15:50:05 +0100

Dear all,

I am working on the determination of changes in continental ice mass
(mainly over the ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica) from satellite
gravimetry data. The final product is a time series of grids
representing the ice mass relative to an arbitrarily chosen reference
value. A widely used reference value is the mean over the entire time
series. The unit is [kg m-2] (or mm water equivalent).
Now I want to distribute these data as a netcdf file which is in
agreement with the CF Conventions (v1.6). Unfortunately I cannot find a
suitable standard name for my data set.
For sea ice the standard name sea_ice_amount describes the mass of sea
ice per unit area. This is equivalent to the my land ice data set.
Hence, a standard name land_ice_amount could adequately describe my data
set. But it might also be misleading, since the data are given relative
to a reference value and do not provide information on the absolute
amount of land ice.
Has anybody experience with data sets on the change in land ice masses
and how to label these data with the correct standard name? Any help or
comment is appreciated.

Thanks and best regards,


Dr.-Ing. Andreas Groh
Institut f?r Planetare Geod?sie
Geod?tische Erdsystemforschung
Technische Universit?t Dresden
D-01062 Dresden, Germany
phone : +49-351-463.33416
fax   : +49-351-463.37063
email : andreas.groh at tu-dresden.de
web   : tu-dresden.de/geo/ipg/gef
Received on Thu Feb 18 2016 - 07:50:05 GMT

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