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[CF-metadata] looking to finalize standard name acoustic_signal_roundtrip_travel_time_in_sea_water

From: Matthias Lankhorst <mlankhorst>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 11:44:10 -0700


in 2013, I started a brief discussion about a new standard name for
inverted echo sounder data, see e-mail thread below.

The proposed name would be:

It is duly listed on the CF website about standard names that are
pending. Any chance this could be approved now? I do not recall any
objections, but I am wondering why this is taking so long. Do I need to
do anything else to get this approved speedily?


[CF-metadata] standard_name for acoustic travel time from echo sounder
Lowry, Roy K. rkl at bodc.ac.uk
Thu May 30 07:45:54 MDT 2013

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Dear All,

Of Matthias's suggestions I have a strong preference for a slight
extension of roundtrip_acoustic_travel_time_in_sea_water, namely
acoustic_signal_roundtrip_travel_time_in_sea_water. 'two-way' is a
possible alternative to 'roundtrip' but I think the former carries
unfortunate seismic semantic implications, so 'roundtrip' is better for
IES. Including 'in_sea_water' is also essential to clearly distinguish
it from seismic data.

Cheers, Roy.

From: CF-metadata [cf-metadata-bounces at cgd.ucar.edu] On Behalf Of Matthias Lankhorst [mlankhorst at ucsd.edu]
Sent: 30 May 2013 13:16
To: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
Subject: [CF-metadata] standard_name for acoustic travel time from echo sounder

Dear CF,

I have oceanographic data from IES instruments (inverted echo sounder) that I
would like to publish via OceanSITES in a CF-compliant form. The data in
question are acoustic travel times from the echo sounding device. This means
the time it took for the acoustic signal to run from the instrument (which
sits on the seafloor) to the sea surface and back to the instrument. These
data are commonly used as a proxy for ocean heat content.

I don't think there is a suitable CF standard_name out there, and ask for your
help in finding/creating one. Which of the following sound good?


...I could think of a couple more combinations using the words above, but
would like to hear other people's opinions.

The canonical units would obviously be seconds.

I assume the data would need some additional description to denote the
vertical extent of the measurement, such as cell_bounds and

Any comments?

Kind regards, Matthias

 Dr. Matthias Lankhorst
 Scripps Institution of Oceanography
 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0230
 La Jolla, CA 92093-0230
 Phone:  +1 858 822 5013
 Fax:    +1 858 534 9820
 E-Mail: mlankhorst at ucsd.edu
Received on Mon Oct 12 2015 - 12:44:10 BST

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