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[CF-metadata] FW: [Go-essp-tech] NetCDF-CF compliance checker available for download

From: stephen.pascoe at stfc.ac.uk <stephen.pascoe>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 14:42:43 +0000

With the permission of Rosalyn Hatcher I have packaged the NetCDF-CF
compliance checker as a downloadable tarball. This is available on the
Python Package Index. This tool provides the best available
verification of NetCDF-CF compliance.


The cf-checker has 2 dependencies: cdms and udunits-2. Cdms is part of
CDAT, alternatively you can use cdat_lite. Udunits2 will need
installing separately and the udunits dynamic library must be in your ld
library path (e.g. set LD_LIBRARY_PATH).


[cfchecker] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cfchecker

[CDAT-lite] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/cdat-lite

[UDUNITS-2] http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/udunits


Once you have these dependencies either download the tarball, unpack and
run "python setup.py install" or use the easy_install tool to download
and install automatically with "easy_install cfchecker" (for instance
/usr/local/cdat/bin/easy_install cfchecker)


This makes the script "cfchecks" available. The help page follows.
Please feed back any installation issues to me and usage issues to Ros
and/or myself.







$ cfchecks --help

 cfchecker [-a|--area_types area_types.xml] [-s|--cf_standard_names
standard_names.xml] [-u|--udunits udunits.dat] [-v|--version CFVersion]
file1 [file2...]



 The cfchecker checks NetCDF files for compliance to the CF standard.



 -a or --area_types:

       the location of the CF area types table (xml)


 -s or --cf_standard_names:

       the location of the CF standard name table (xml)


 -u or --udunits:

       the location of the udunits.dat file


 -h or --help: Prints this help text.


 -v or --version: CF version to check against.




Stephen Pascoe  +44 (0)1235 445980
Centre of Environmental Data Archival
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot OX11 0QX, UK
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