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[CF-metadata] standard names for aerosols and chemistry

From: Christiane Textor <christiane.textor>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:53:22 +0200

Dear all,

I would like to propose you new_standard names for aerosols and chemical
variables. These names will be used in the model intercomparisons in the
framework of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution
(http://www.htap.org/, http://aqm.jrc.it/HTAP/) and the European
Integrated Project GEMS (http://www.ecmwf.int/research/EU_projects/GEMS/).

The proposed names have been extensively discussed by a 'virtual
workgroup' activity through a wiki page
with the aid of some CF experts to whom we are very grateful for their

Many other people who contributed to discussion:
Olivier Boucher, Frank Dentener, Rudy Husar, Jonathan Gregory,
KyleHalliday, BryanLawrence, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Sebastian Rast, Martin
Schultz, Michael Schulz, Ranjeet Sokhi, David Stevenson, Karl Taylor,
Christiane Textor, Peter van Velthoven.

Please find attached a file with the proposed standard names.
More information on how these names are constructed can be found at

I am looking forward to your comments.

Best regards,
Christiane Textor

(on vacation until September 11)

Christiane Textor
GMES France Atmosph?re - GEMS France
Service d'A?ronomie INSU CNRS, Tour 46, RDC # 2
Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie, Boite 102
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris C?dex 05
Tel: ++33
Fax: ++33
Email: christiane.textor at aero.jussieu.fr
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