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[CF-metadata] new standard names 1.-33.

From: beate.geyer at gkss.de <beate.geyer>
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 13:42:04 +0200

Dear Alison,

1. OK
2. OK: atmosphere_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_diffusion; Pa
       atmosphere_downward_northward_stress_due_to_diffusion; Pa
3.+4. OK
5. stomatal_resistance - minimum and maximum are predefined theoretical
values (dependent on vegetationtype). The actual values are calculated
during simulation, depending on water supply and temperature, where
minimum and maximum are fix for each vegetationtype. I send an email to
get the exact formula from the modellers.
6. OK
7. second part - still open
8. OK
9. OK:
baseflow_amount; kg m-2; subsurface runoff due to flow along aquifers
below the level of the water table;
runoff_excluding_baseflow; kg m-2; surface runoff plus subsurface runoff
excluding baseflow.
10. still open
11. OK
12. still open
13.-15. OK
16. volume_fraction_of_water_in_soil_at_critical_point
17.+18. OK
19. specific_humidity_correction is fine (including the correct definition
in the table)
20.-22. OK
23. snow_thermal_energy_content; J m-2 is OK
24. OK
25. surface_net_downward_radiative_flux_where_land; W m-2 OK
26.+27. OK

new proposals follow:

28. we have now
atmosphere_downward_eastward_stress_due_to_diffusion; Pa
atmosphere_downward_northward_stress_due_to_diffusion; Pa
for the variables at levels I suppose:

29. in the table we have tendency_of_air_temperature
for 'vertically averaged tendency of temperature' I suppose:
tendency_of_atmosphere_air_temperature (analogous to water_vapor-names)

30. in the table we already have
there I'm in the need of the vertical integrals:
what about
atmosphere_product_of_... ?

tendency_of_atmosphere_water_vapor_content; kg m-2 s-1

tendency_of_atmosphere_water_vapor_content_due_to_convection; kg m-2 s-1

33. analogous to no 20
tendency_of_atmosphere_dry_energy_content; W m-2

Best regards,
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