Just joined this list. I am involved in developing a schema for metadata to
describe climate numerical models (NMM)
I have seen the discussion on [CF-metadata] unique identifiers. I haven't
read through the reams of archived material yet so I apologize in advance if
this has been discussed. If I thas - just give me the date and I'll go
follow the thread.
I am curious why a namespace like www.marinemetadata.org or
www.cfconventions.org is used/required?
Developing a standard for describing numerical models (NMM) in a research
institute which may or may nor live in perpetuity, we followed the path of
Dublin Core and got a PURL top level
which will point the repository of schema wherever the NMM schema will
exist. A PURL is a Persistent Uniform Resource Locator purl.org
Dr Katherine A Bouton
Numerical Model Metadata (NMM)
NCAS Computational Modelling Support
Department of Meteorology
University of Reading
Received on Thu Apr 12 2007 - 08:32:44 BST