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[CF-metadata] standard names for aerosols and chemistry

From: Roy Lowry <rkl>
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2006 15:00:16 +0100


Would divalent_mercury just to confirm that the II refers to valency be better?

Cheers, Roy.

>>> Christiane Textor <christiane.textor at aero.jussieu.fr> 10/5/2006 2:46 pm >>>
Dear Jonathan,

Mercury in the atmosphere is always a positive ion, only under extreme
conditions can it be negative. Therefore the 2plus is not necessary.
However, in the chemical community the use of mercury_II instead of
mercury_2 is more common, as use roman numerals are used to indicate an
atoms oxidation state. Hence I suggest:

mercury_dry_aerosol (to be consistent with other aerosol species)

(More comments on the use of X_as_Y in a next email.)

Best regards,

> mercury_0 is elemental mercury in the gas phase,
> mercury_2 is oxidised mercury in the gas phase,
> mercury_aerosol is mercury emitted from antrhopogenic sources associated with particulate matter.

Jonathan Gregory a ?crit :
> Dear Christiane
> Would it be correct to describe mercury_0 as atomic_mercury and mercury_2 as
> mercury_2+_ion (or 2plus), and would that help clarity, do you think?
> Perhaps fluxes of mercury_aerosol ought to be mercury_as_mercury_aerosol, like
> your other such quantities.
> On that last issue, I wonder if the phrases like ammonium_as_ammonium could be
> made shorter and less puzzling as e.g. ammonium_as_such or some alternative
> idea? Also, could a mass flux of
> particulate_organic_carbon_as_particulate_organic_carbon_dry_aerosol
> be particulate_organic_carbon_as_dry_aerosol? As I understand it, in X_as_Y
> you are saying it is the mass flux of X, emitted in the form of Y.
> Cheers
> Jonathan
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Christiane Textor
GMES France Atmosph?re - GEMS France
Service d'A?ronomie INSU CNRS, Tour 46, RDC # 2
Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie, Boite 102
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris C?dex 05
Tel: ++33
Fax: ++33
Email: christiane.textor at aero.jussieu.fr 
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