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[CF-metadata] brand new user

From: John Caron <caron>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 08:14:54 -0600

On 3/14/2013 6:39 AM, Izidor Pelajic wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new at netCDF, new at CF, and moderate MATLAB user. I'm new at
> netCDF in a sense of days or week.
> So my problem (beyond the fact that I do not have general knowledge)
> is next. I was provided with a .nc file. In it there are 3 information
> of interest: latitude matrix 160 by 22, longitude matrix 160 by 22 and
> SST matrix also 160 by 22. File is created from NOAA satellite data
> record (from hdf file, but not by me). I need to convert this custom
> made nc file to netCDF CF file.
> So far, I managed to open nc file in matlab, edit variables, make some
> nice charts and save it as it is. But I do not know how to save in CF
> convention. My problem is longitude and latitude that are of same
> dimension as variable SST. How do I make sst( lon, lat ) if all lon
> and lat elements are of different value? (it was written down in line
> as satellite passed over an area)
> Any idea, or example?
> Izidor
> _______________________________________________
> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
> http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadata

Hi Izidor:

i presume that you need to compute the 2D lat and lon coordinates and
add them to the file.
If you think of renaming your dimensions like this, perhaps it is easier:

   scan = 160;
   xscan = 22

   float sst(scan,xscan);
     sst:coordinate = "lat lon";

   float lat(scan,xscan);
     lat:units= "degrees_north";

   float lon(scan,xscan);
     lat:units= "degrees_east";


   sst:coordinate = "lat lon";

means add an attribute to the sst variable with name "coordinate" and
value "lat lon". This is how CF associates the lat and lon coordinates
to the data variable. The "units" attribute on lat and lon is how CF
knows what they are (i.e. not by the variable name, which can be anything).

this is just the minimum, of course you might want to add standard_name
attribute, etc.

Good luck!

Received on Thu Mar 14 2013 - 08:14:54 GMT

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