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[CF-metadata] Storing outline information in NetCDF/CF?

From: Øystein Godøy <o.godoy>
Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2011 12:49:38 +0100

Dear all,

Is there a way to store outline information in NetCDF/CF?

I am looking for a way to store e.g. glacier outline, sea ice edge/extent etc
in NetCDF. It would simplify data management within heterogeneous systems.
Data can then be dumped to Shapefiles, KML etc upon user request, but for long
term data management purposes they may be stored in NetCDF/CF along with
gridded data, time series, trajectories etc.

All the best
Dr. Oystein Godoy
Norwegian Meteorological Institute 
P.O.BOX 43, Blindern, N-0313 OSLO, Norway
Ph: (+47) 2296 3000 (switchb) 2296 3334 (direct line)
Fax:(+47) 2296 3050 Institute home page: http://met.no/
Received on Tue Nov 29 2011 - 04:49:38 GMT

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