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[CF-metadata] new TEOS-10 standard names

From: Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith>
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:40:22 -0400

I agree that we probably need these names now. I'd like to
suggest, though, that the definition of absolute salinity should
start with the phrase 'mass fraction of salt in seawater', or
maybe 'concentration of salt in seawater'.

And while we're at it, we should probably consider revising the
definition of sea_water_salinity; currently all we have is: "The unit
of salinity is PSU, which is dimensionless. The units attribute
should be given as 1e-3 or 0.001 i.e. parts per thousand if
salinity is in PSU."

The units designation implies that we're using practical
salinity, but the definition should probably be more explicit.
We could add something like "Salinity ratio on the Practical Salinity

Cheers - Nan

On 7/6/11 3:35 AM, Paul.Durack at csiro.au wrote:
> I'd like to propose a series of new standard names, these names are associated with the recent release of the Thermodynamic Equation Of Seawater 2010 (TEOS-10 - www.teos-10.org).
> Additional to these names, I would also like to propose the "change_over_time_in_*" prefixes are also created.
> The proposed new standard names, along with definition, units and reference details are below.
> ***
> sea_water_conservative_temperature
> Definition: Conservative Temperature is potential enthalpy divided by a fixed value of the specific heat of seawater, namely cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 J kg-1 K-1. Conservative temperature is designed to be as close as possible to potential temperature, but is two orders of magnitude more conservative in the ocean. Because of this, Conservative Temperature can be regarded as being proportional to the heat content of seawater per unit mass.
> Canonical units: K
> Reference: www.teos-10.org
> change_over_time_in_sea_water_conservative_temperature
> sea_water_absolute_salinity
> Definition: Absolute Salinity is the salinity variable that when used with the TEOS-10 expression for density yields the correct density of a seawater sample even when the sample is not of Standard Composition. In practice Absolute Salinity is often calculated from Practical Salinity and a value of Absolute Salinity Anomaly which is found using computer software via a global look-up table.
> Canonical units: g kg-1
> Reference: www.teos-10.org
> change_over_time_in_sea_water_absolute_salinity
> sea_water_preformed_salinity
> Definition: Preformed Salinity is a salinity variable that is designed to be as conservative as possible, by removing the estimated biogeochemical influences on the seawater composition from other forms of salinity.
> Canonical units: g kg-1
> Reference: www.teos-10.org
> change_over_time_in_sea_water_preformed_salinity
> sea_water_potential_enthalpy
> Definition: Potential enthalpy is the enthalpy of a seawater parcel after an adiabatic and isohaline change in pressure from its in situ pressure to the sea pressure p = 0 dbar.
> Canonical units: J kg-1
> Reference: www.teos-10.org
> change_over_time_in_sea_water_potential_enthalpy
> ***
> Cheers,
> P
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* Nan Galbraith                        (508) 289-2444 *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543                                *
Received on Wed Jul 06 2011 - 11:40:22 BST

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