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[CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents and aerosols (resulting from a GRIB2 p

From: Martina Stockhause <martina.stockhause>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:23:04 +0200

Hallo Roy,

there is a slight difference between a lumped species and a total:
Total consists of different individual species, but a lumped species is a
synthetic species representing chemical constituents with similar chemical
behaviour. It is used for organic chemical constituents. The advantage is a
reduction of the number of species an the number of chemical reactions that
have to be calculated.

The term 'lumped' is fairly common: lumping techniques, lumped species.

Definition suggestions - good idea!

Anthropogenic refers to chemical constitutents influenced, caused or created
by human activity.
Biogenic refers to chemical constitutents generated by natural processes.

For oxygenated means simply 'containing oxygen'.
For passive ozone I am not content with:
Passive ozone means the behaviour of ozone in the absence of chemical

'Non-reactive' isn't any better, either. One of the chemists might have a
better definition for that.

Best wishes,

On Friday 19 September 2008 17:40, you wrote:
> Hi Martina,
> Couple of points. Would the term 'total' be better than 'lumped' - lumped
> to me is slang. We've also used 'total' before to convey similar semantics
> (e.g. total_reactive _nitrogen).
> Definitions of anthropogenic, biogenic, passive, oxygenated would be
> useful.
> Cheers, Roy.
> >>> Martina Stockhause <martina.stockhause at zmaw.de> 09/17/08 2:38 PM >>>
> Dear all,
> a group of chemical modellers discussed the standardization of the chemical
> constituents and aerosols in the GRIB2 standard. I assist them. As sources
> we used the parameters used in different intercomparison projects: GEMS
> (http://gems.ecmwf.int/), CCMVal (http://www.pa.op.dlr.de/CCMVal/), TFHTAP
> (http://www.htap.org).
> Martin Suttie from ECMWF / GEMS created a two tables approach for GRIB2:
> one for the physical quantity and one for the chemical constituent or
> aerosol. Thus, a physical-chemical quantity (= CF standard name) is a
> combination of these two parameters. Since, we want to connect GRIB2
> standard closely to the CF standard names, we used CF standard names in the
> proposal for WMO and propose here the missing CF standard names used in our
> WMO proposal.
> 1. NEW physical parameters for chemical constituent X:
> I read the discussion about 'burden' in the mailing archive. It seems that
> the scientists stick to 'burden' as a common term in the community and have
> started to use it for the creation of CF-like standard names (e.g. in
> CCMVal), because CF couldn't offer an acceptable alternative.
> Neither 'global_integral' nor 'burden' could be agreed on in the CF mailing
> list. Sorry, for starting that discussion again without offering a new
> alternative. Since the CF standard names should be self-explanatory for
> those who create and analyse data, we propose the standard
> name 'total_yearly_average_burden_of_X_in_atmosphere' among others:
> column_integrated_mass_density_of_X_in_air : kg.m-2
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_X_due_to_respiration : kg.m-2.s-1
> tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_X_due_to_chemical_gross_production :
> mol.m-3.s-1
> tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_X_due_to_chemical_gross_destruction :
> mol.m-3.s-1
> total_yearly_average_burden_of_X_in_atmosphere : mol
> total_yearly_averaged_atmospheric_loss_of_X : mol.s-1
> surface_area_density_of_X : m-1
> 2. NEW chemical constituents:
> We suggest to use the keyword 'lumped' to indicate a certain group of
> species showing similar chemical behaviour (PRISM definition). And to
> introduce 'anthropogenic' and 'biogenic' for the origin of the organic
> compound NMVOC.
> atomic_oxygen
> nitrate_radical
> nitrous_acid
> radon
> methyl_peroxy_radical
> methanol
> formic_acid
> aceto_nitrile
> ethanol
> acetic_acid
> butane
> alpha_pinene
> beta_pinene
> limonene
> hcfc141b
> hcfc142b
> nitric_acid_trihydrate_aerosol
> hox_expressed_as_hydrogen : HOx radical (OH+HO2)
> total_peroxy_radical : Total inorganic and organic peroxy radicals (HO2 +
> RO2) passive_ozone
> noy_expressed_as_nitrogen : All nitrogen oxides (NOy) expressed as nitrogen
> clox_expressed_as_chlorine : Total inorganic chlorine except HCl, ClONO2:
> ClOx brox_expressed_as_bromine : Total inorganic bromine except HBr,
> BrONO2: BrOx lumped_alkanes
> lumped_alkenes
> lumped_aromatic_compounds
> lumped_terpenes
> nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon : Non-methane volatile organic compounds
> expressed as carbon
> anthropogenic_nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon : anthropogenic
> nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon
> biogenic_nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon : biogenic nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon
> lumped_oxygenated_hydrocarbons
> 3. NEW CF standard names:
> The individual CF standard names, resulting from the combination of
> physical quantity and chemical constituent or aerosol, are quite many (see
> attached file).
> I apologize for this long list. My idea to move the name of the chemical
> constituent or aerosol from the standard name into an attribute was
> dismissed by the scientists. The disadvantage of a CF standard name without
> the constituent was larger than the advantage of a smaller number of CF
> standard names to be proposed.
> Since I had to use a script for the generation of these individual CF
> names, there might be some names in the list, which doesn't make sense.
> Therefore a counter-check is necessary and highly appreciated.
> Thank you and best wishes,
> Martina
Received on Mon Sep 22 2008 - 08:23:04 BST

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