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[CF-metadata] [Fwd: representing multiple nests]

From: V. Balaji <v.balaji>
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 00:12:34 -0400 (EDT)

Jonathan Gregory writes:

> There is no explicitly stated way to represent nested grids. Of course, any
> grid, however constructed, can be recorded by regarding its coordinates as
> 1D lists, with no knowledge of the structure of the grid. This should always
> be done anyway. The issue is how to record the "higher-level" information
> about its construction. It's similar to the issue of relating u and T grids.
> Perhaps Balaji's proposal at the GO-ESSP meeting would help with this too. I
> believe he intends to propose it to CF.

Indeed it would. I'm still pulling together everything I need to make my
case to CF.

V. Balaji                               Office:  +1-609-452-6516
Head, Modeling Systems Group, GFDL      Home:    +1-212-253-6662
Princeton University                    Email: v.balaji at noaa.gov
Received on Mon Aug 08 2005 - 22:12:34 BST

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