Plural units are allowed.
The kilogram is the base unit of mass because that's what the SI says is
the base unit of mass. I wish it wasn't.
The UDUNITS package should accept "cubic meters" but doesn't. I consider
that a bug and I'll work on it immediately.
Steven Emmerson
Software Developer
Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
On Mon, May 26, 2014 at 5:11 PM, John Graybeal <jbgraybeal at>wrote:
> 3 progressively stupider questions, offered in hopes of provoking the
> right answer:
> - Perhaps depends on which standard name it's attached to?
> - Are plural units allowed in the prefix?
> - Why is the base mass unit kilogram, i.e., why does it already have a
> prefix?
> If anyone has found a deep description of UDUNITS I'd love to know of it.
> So far it seems like one has to study and do tests with the code to
> understand all the details.
> John
> On May 26, 2014, at 06:53, "Lowry, Roy K." <rkl at> wrote:
> Dear All,
> We're getting a CF conformance checker error on the units 'milligrams per
> cubic meter'. Anybody know why it's wrong?
> Cheers, Roy.
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