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[CF-metadata] standard names for stations

From: TOYODA Eizi <toyoda>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:10:22 +0900

Dear Colleagues,

I guess you are talking about five-digit number to identify stations in
Please note that the number is called "station index number" in WMO.

There are several other systems of symbol to identify observation platforms
in WMO:
 - moored and fixed buoys have different number system
 - GAW (Global Atmosphere Watch) stations uses three-letter code

Best Regards,
Eizi TOYODA (aka Eiji)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jeffrey F. Painter
  To: Renata McCoy ; cf-metadata
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 1:34 AM
  Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] standard names for stations
  good point - The auxiliary coordinate variable station_name in these 
examples is missing a standard_name; and indeed station_description or 
station_name would fit the bill.  I'd be happy with either or both.
  For that matter, if one of the stations in the examples had a WMO ID, then 
it would also need a variable wmo_platform_id (btw, that's a name change 
from the text's station_wmo_id)
  The example variable station_info also has no standard_name, but the 
example variable station_elevation already has one.
  - Jeff
  On 8/25/11 8:47 AM, Renata McCoy wrote:
    There is also a 'station_name'  as recommended attribute in a discrete 
geometries section, see
    and even more info on the station (like station_info anf 
station_elevation) in the Example H.3. Timeseries of station data
    Renata McCoy
    PCMDI/ LLNL,  (925) 424-5237,  renata at llnl.gov
    On Aug 25, 2011, at 5:50 AM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
      Dear Jeff
      I think this one is fine
        - wmo_platform_id : variable of integer type, containing the WMO
        identifier of an observing station or other platform
      For this one
        - station_description : variable of character type containing a
        description of a time series station
      I now wonder what we mean by "description". What is probably expected 
is a
      geographical location of some sort, isn't it. Could we call it 
      Like long_name and standard_name, it could still be several words.
      Best wishes
      CF-metadata mailing list
      CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
  CF-metadata mailing list
  CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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