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[CF-metadata] standard name for sea water ph without

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2011 22:49:45 +0000

Dear Upendra

We had a long discussion about this in 2009. In particular, John Graybeal's
posting of 25 Mar 2009 gives several different pH definitions. It appeared that
these versions of pH are probably not the same geophysical quantity, and it
is therefore necessary to specify which one it is. Although they all have
the same general intention of measuring something like H+ concentration, they
are more distinct than just being different measurement techniques. You are
right, if they were all the same geophysical quantity measured in different
ways, we wouldn't record the measurement technique in the standard name.



> Hi All,
> The standard name table has an entry called
> "sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale". I have some data which does
> not mention the scale used for the measurement of ph. Should there
> be an another entry which does not mention the scale? Most of the
> standard names I have seen doesn't mention the scale used|. Is it
> common to attach within standard name, the scale used for the
> measurement?
Received on Thu Dec 08 2011 - 15:49:45 GMT

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