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[CF-metadata] not receiving all messages

From: John Graybeal <graybeal>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2013 10:09:02 -0700

Sometimes I get messages much later than the reply, I think because the original is awaiting moderator approval on one list but the reply comes through from someone on both lists who is already approved.

And sometimes a reply goes to an individual who then copies the list on their reply.

And I'm not sure what happens if I comment directly on a TRAC ticket, as opposed to via a list message from TRAC, but maybe that's a factor.

Aside from that, i'm not sure if I'd know that I'm missing a message from the list?


On May 21, 2013, at 06:32, rhorne at excaliburlabs.com wrote:

> Folks:
> Am I the only person who is not receiving all cf-metadata messages posted ?
> I am wondering if we have an IT issue.
> very respectfully,
> randy
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> CF-metadata mailing list
> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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John Graybeal
Marine Metadata Interoperability Project: http://marinemetadata.org
graybeal at marinemetadata.org

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