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[CF-metadata] sea_water_temperature

From: craig.donlon at gmail.com <craig.donlon>
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 13:34:33 +0200

Dear all:

Several people have been looking at the standard name table for CF-1.4 (
and in particular, noted that there is no description for the varaible
sea_water_termperature. Why is this?

The following definitions were agreed when GHRSST negotiated variaous sea
surface temperatures for CF-1.3:

Slide 9 ?CF: sea_water_temperature
?The general term, "bulk" sea surface temperature, has the standard
name sea_surface_temperature
with no associated vertical coordinate axis. The temperature of sea water at
a particular depth (other than the foundation level) should be reported
using the standard name sea_water_temperature and, wherever possible,
supplying a vertical coordinate axis or scalar coordinate variable.

?GHRSST: SSTdepth or SST*Z** *(e.g.SST1.5m)
?is the terminology adopted by GHRSST to represent an in situ measurement
near the surface of the ocean that is typically reported simply as SST or
"bulk" SST. For example SST6m would refer to an SST measurement made at a
depth of 6m. Without a clear statement of the precise depth at which the SST
measurement was made, and the circumstances surrounding the measurement,
such a sample lacks the information needed for comparison with, or
validation of satellite-derived estimates of SST using other data sources.
The terminology has been introduced to encourage the reporting of depth (z)
along with the temperature.

Which text should appear in the CF-1.4 standard name table?

Take care and thanks

Dr Craig Donlon
Principal Scientist for Ocean and Ice (EOP-SME)
Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ
Noordwijk The Netherlands
t: +31 (0)715 653687
f: +31 (0)715 655675
m:+31 0643 066162
Skype ID:crazit
altE-mail: craig.donlon at gmail.com
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