Thanks, Alison -
Your definition looks good to me. Good to include the reference, too.
Maybe Ajay can tell us whether this needs to be limited to sea water,
or if the concept is also used in fresh water work?
- Nan
On 2/26/15 1:11 PM, alison.pamment at wrote:
> Dear Ajay, Roy, All,
> Thank youfor the clarification regarding units.
> We are now settled on
> apparent_oxygen_utilization (mol kg-1).
> We do already have a couple of ocean biogeochemistry names referring
> to ?nitrate utilization? so I think this new name is in keeping with
> those.
> Based on the definition provided by Ajay and John Graybeal?s suggested
> wording, I have currently written the definition as:
> ?Apparent Oxygen Utilization (often abbreviated as AOU) is the
> difference between the saturation concentration of oxygen in sea water
> at a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101325 Pa) and the observed oxygen
> concentration. It is used to estimate the change in oxygen
> concentration due to biological and chemical processes. Reference:
> Broecker, W. S. and T. H. Peng (1982), Tracers in the Sea,
> Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, N. Y.? I have
> deliberately included ?in sea water? in the first sentence of the
> definition to make it clear that this is an oceanographic quantity.
> Does this all look OK? If so, then I think the name can be accepted
> for inclusion in the standard name table.
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------
> Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065
> NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival Email:
> alison.pamment at <mailto:J.A.Pamment at>
> STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
> R25, 2.22
> Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.
> *From:*CF-metadata [mailto:cf-metadata-bounces at] *On
> Behalf Of *Lowry, Roy K.
> *Sent:* 26 February 2015 15:29
> *To:* Ajay Krishnan - NOAA Affiliate; cf-metadata at
> *Subject:* Re: [CF-metadata] Request for new standard-name:
> apparent_oxygen_utilization
> Hi Alison,
> Just to clarify that I am in total agreement with this and had a bit
> of a senior moment in a previous message.
> Cheers, Roy.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:*Ajay Krishnan - NOAA Affiliate [ajay.krishnan at]
> *Sent:* 26 February 2015 14:56
> *To:* cf-metadata at <mailto:cf-metadata at>
> *Subject:* Re: [CF-metadata] Request for new standard-name:
> apparent_oxygen_utilization
> Hi Alison,
> Yes, please use mol kg-1 as the canonical unit.
> Thanks,
> Ajay
> *alison.pamment <>* alison.pamment at <>
> /Thu Feb 26 03:56:32 MST 2015/
> Dear All,
> Thank you for the constructive discussion of this proposal - it seems that agreement has been reached on apparent_oxygen_utilisation with canonical units of mol kg-1. (Just to double check: is this the correct unit for use with the World Ocean Database, which I believe is the reason for requesting the name in the first place. Units of mol m-3 have also been mentioned in this discussion, but this could be a misunderstanding.
> Best wishes,
> Alison
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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* Nan Galbraith Information Systems Specialist *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543 (508) 289-2444 *
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