I'll include Ticket 62 with CF-1.6.
The Chapter 9 examples are Appendix H, now available in the public draft
of CF 1.6. At the moment I don't remember what's in them!
- Jeff
On 7/26/11 2:13 PM, Chris Paver wrote:
> Hey John,
> Thanks for the info. Jonathan Gregory stated that this fix would roll out with
> CF-1.6; is that still correct?
> What will the Chapter 9 examples look like then? Will any requirements based on
> feature types be addressed for the axis attribute?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> On 07/25/2011 12:51 PM, John Caron wrote:
>> Hi Chris:
>> I think we agreed that this sentence in section 5 should be removed:
>> The|axis|attribute is not allowed for auxiliary coordinate variables.
>> If anyone has a better idea, let me know. otherwise i will submit a defect change.
>> John
>> On 7/20/2011 7:51 AM, Chris Paver wrote:
>>> Dear list,
>>> Was there any resolution to the issue I brought up?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> -------- Original Message --------
>>> Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 11:59:09 -0700
>>> From: Steve Hankin<Steven.C.Hankin at noaa.gov>
>>> Subject: Re: [CF-metadata] CF feature type trajectory (Ch. 9; May 10,
>>> 2011) and axis attribute
>>> To: "Jeffrey F. Painter"<painter1 at llnl.gov>
>>> Cc: cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
>>> Message-ID:<4E1601FD.5020006 at noaa.gov>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>>> On 7/7/2011 11:53 AM, Jeffrey F. Painter wrote:
>>>>> It looks as though you've been reviewing the public draft of the
>>>>> future CF Conventions version 1.6. It's great that someone has been
>>>>> looking at it!
>>>>> It seems to me that z in the examples of Appendix H (formerly
>>>>> designated A9) plays the role of an auxiliary coordinate variable,
>>>>> although technically it's not because there isn't (but should be) a
>>>>> 'coordinates' attribute which lists auxiliary coordinate variables.
>>>>> I don't know why axes are banned for auxiliary coordinate variables in
>>>>> the case of trajectories. Something needs to be clarified here, or
>>>>> the examples changed.
>>>>> This was ticket 37. Are there any comments from Steve Hankin, the
>>>>> moderator, or any of the other people who contributed to writing
>>>>> Chapter 9, or anyone else who knows more than me?
>>> stand by. I think Chris has pointed out a needed correction to Chapter
>>> 5 that was discussed, but was not documented. (thanks Chris) But need
>>> to confirm with others.
>>> - Steve
>>>>> Thanks to all!
>>>>> - Jeff Painter
>>>>> On 7/7/11 5:13 AM, Chris Paver wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear List,
>>>>>>> I have been reviewing the use of the axis attribute as defined in
>>>>>>> Chapter 5, and
>>>>>>> comparing it to the trajectory example in the Chapter 9 document at
>>>>>>> A9.4. The
>>>>>>> Ch. 5 rules states that only a coordinate variable can have an axis
>>>>>>> attribute,
>>>>>>> whereas the auxiliary variables cannot. However, in Ch. 9, the single
>>>>>>> trajectory dimension is time, but the variable z contains the axis
>>>>>>> attribute. Is
>>>>>>> this a change to the rule as stated in Ch. 5, or a typo? I briefly
>>>>>>> looked over
>>>>>>> the other feature types in Ch. 9, and they all look to have the vertical
>>>>>>> variable listed with the axis attribute, so maybe it is a typo.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Chris
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Received on Tue Jul 26 2011 - 15:21:17 BST