-- Richard Ullman, NASA GSFC, Code 586 Deputy Division Chief, Technical NPOESS Data Products Division +1 301 713 4831 (office) +1 240 565 5268 (cell) richard.ullman at noaa.gov richard.e.ullman at nasa.gov On 10/24/08 10:24 AM, "Schultz, Martin" <m.schultz at fz-juelich.de> wrote: > Dear Jonathan and Martina, > > perfect! This is exactly what I meant. I believe that we could use > Martina's tool (with some potential modifications) to generate a > suggestion whenever a new compound shall be introduced. But this > discussion can take place among a smaller group and wouldn't need full > approval of all individual names by the CF committee, because we would > have agreed on the principal for construction of these names and have > limited the potential combinations. I.e. if Alison (I believe you are > the one human body who actually does the hardest part of physically > maintaining the list) would see a proposal by Martina about "adding new > standard names for chemsitry and aerosols - new compound: XYZ" she > should be able to trust that it follows the rules and has garbage > eliminated. Martina should in my view act as gatekeeper for the > chemistry names and circulate proposals for new compounds among the > people who have actively participated in the chemistry and aerosol > discussions. I.e. the primary proposal would be the automatically > generated list of all combinations (perhaps with the "A" and "G" > distinction in order to ease the process), and the "ACC" group would > simply tick off those that make sense and eliminate those which don't. > Once agreement has been reached here (and I hope this can happen fast), > the "sensible list" would be proposed by Martina to the wider CF group > and should be added without much further discussion (but at least people > would have a chance to see them and raise their objections in case the > "ACC" group misses a point. Ideally, we would get a separate email list > for those ACC discussions (e.g. cf-acc at cgd.ucar.edu). The wider CF group > wouldn't be bombarded with that stuff any longer and could concentrate > on the real semantic issues again. My only request would be that Alison > would post acceptance of new chemical standard names on the cf-acc list > as well then. > > This is my practical plan - hope this can move the discussion > forward. > > Best regards, > > Martin > > PS: here again as flow chart > > (1) "Joe someone" suggests to add chemical compound names to either > CF or ACC list > (2) Martina takes the proposal and runs her tool to generate default > name set > (including bogus suggestions) > (3) ACC list discusses about exclusion and inclusion of combinations > and the choice of the > actual compound name > (4) if agreement is reached, Martina makes "fast-track" proposal to > CF list > (5) after suitable wait time (~ 1 week), Alison accepts the names > (and adds them to the table whenever she has time) > > If a new property needs to be added (let me just say "zooplankton" > here), then the discussion will be moved up to the wider CF list. If > that property gets accepted, Martina has to add it to her tool and it > will appear in the new suggestions from there on. > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH > 52425 Juelich > > Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich > Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498 > Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Baerbel Brumme-Bothe > Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender), > Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Harald Bolt, > Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > ------------------------------------------------------------------- > > > _______________________________________________ > CF-metadata mailing list > CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu > http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/cf-metadataReceived on Mon Oct 27 2008 - 07:54:13 GMT
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