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[CF-metadata] CF standard names for chemical constituents and aerosols

From: Richard Ullman <ricahrd.ullman>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 09:54:13 -0400

I want to make the CF group, and especially those interested in chemical
constituents, aware of the naming practice adopted by the instrument science
teams for the NASA Aura satellite.

The data format is not netCDF but rather HDF-EOS5, which is to HDF5
similarly as netCDF4 is to HDF5. At some point, cross-walks must be
developed to bridge the vocabularies.

A good deal of thought and effort was put into developing consensus on the
naming conventions adopted by the Aura Data Format Working Group. These
describe existing products under routine production and distributed by NASA.
The Aura practice is documented as "ESDS-RFC-009, Aura Guidelines Technical
Note" at:


The equivalent "common names" are documented in section 5.1.4 Swath Data
Field Names, 5.2.4 Grid Data Fields, and 5.3.4 Zonal Average Data Fields

-Rich Ullman

Richard Ullman, NASA GSFC, Code 586
Deputy Division Chief, Technical
NPOESS Data Products Division
+1 301 713 4831 (office)
+1 240 565 5268 (cell)
richard.ullman at noaa.gov
richard.e.ullman at nasa.gov
On 10/24/08 10:24 AM, "Schultz, Martin" <m.schultz at fz-juelich.de> wrote:
> Dear Jonathan and Martina,
>    perfect! This is exactly what I meant. I believe that we could use
> Martina's tool (with some potential modifications) to generate a
> suggestion whenever a new compound shall be introduced. But this
> discussion can take place among a smaller group and wouldn't need full
> approval of all individual names by the CF committee, because we would
> have agreed on the principal for construction of these names and have
> limited the potential combinations. I.e. if Alison (I believe you are
> the one human body who actually does the hardest part of physically
> maintaining the list) would see a proposal by Martina about "adding new
> standard names for chemsitry and aerosols - new compound: XYZ" she
> should be able to trust that it follows the rules and has garbage
> eliminated. Martina should in my view act as gatekeeper for the
> chemistry names and circulate proposals for new compounds among the
> people who have actively participated in the chemistry and aerosol
> discussions. I.e. the primary proposal would be the automatically
> generated list of all combinations (perhaps with the "A" and "G"
> distinction in order to ease the process), and the "ACC" group would
> simply tick off those that make sense and eliminate those which don't.
> Once agreement has been reached here (and I hope this can happen fast),
> the "sensible list" would be proposed by Martina to the wider CF group
> and should be added without much further discussion (but at least people
> would have a chance to see them and raise their objections in case the
> "ACC" group misses a point. Ideally, we would get a separate email list
> for those ACC discussions (e.g. cf-acc at cgd.ucar.edu). The wider CF group
> wouldn't be bombarded with that stuff any longer and could concentrate
> on the real semantic issues again. My only request would be that Alison
> would post acceptance of new chemical standard names on the cf-acc list
> as well then.
>    This is my practical plan - hope this can move the discussion
> forward.
> Best regards,
> Martin
> PS: here again as flow chart
>     (1) "Joe someone" suggests to add chemical compound names to either
> CF or ACC list
>     (2) Martina takes the proposal and runs her tool to generate default
> name set
>         (including bogus suggestions)
>     (3) ACC list discusses about exclusion and inclusion of combinations
> and the choice of the
>         actual compound name
>     (4) if agreement is reached, Martina makes "fast-track" proposal to
> CF list
>     (5) after suitable wait time (~ 1 week), Alison accepts the names
>         (and adds them to the table whenever she has time)
>     If a new property needs to be added (let me just say "zooplankton"
> here), then the discussion will be moved  up to the wider CF list. If
> that property gets accepted, Martina has to add it to her tool and it
> will appear in the new suggestions from there on.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
> 52425 Juelich
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
> Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
> Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Baerbel Brumme-Bothe
> Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
> Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr. Harald Bolt,
> Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
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> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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Received on Mon Oct 27 2008 - 07:54:13 GMT

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