Dear all,
thanks for your answers. I usually use the standard-name table for
parameters than for the reference-system. I really would like to see the
coordinate-axis standard-names as part of the CF-documentation, since we
have already most of them there (ocean_sigma_coordinate,
projection_x_axis, time). I'm not aware of a FAQ for CF?
I've never seen a file with geometrical height. If I understand Jim
correctly, values are in the order of magnitude 6371km (=earth radius).
Reading the definition of altitude at wikipedia, it seems to be a
equivalent to height_above_reference_ellipsoid. But, as John points out,
the CF standard-name descriptions sayt the geoid is defined to be MSL,
so it's fine for me, unless we want to have different standard_names for
reference-systems than for parameters.
Best regards,
On 2014-02-07 19:49, Jim Biard wrote:
> Geometrical height is sometimes used synonymously with geodetic height,
> but the strict interpretation is height above the ellipsoid surface
> along a line from the center of the Earth to the surface. Geodetic
> heights are normal to the ellipsoid surface.
> CICS-NC <>Visit us on
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> Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites NC <>
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> 151 Patton Ave, Asheville, NC 28801
> e: jbiard at <mailto:jbiard at>
> o: +1 828 271 4900
> On Feb 7, 2014, at 1:25 PM, Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory at
> <mailto:j.m.gregory at>> wrote:
>> Dear Heiko
>>> 1. height above ground
>> has standard_name of height, as you say
>>> 2. height above mean sea level
>> I don't think we have a standard name for this yet, but
>> height_above_sea_level
>> would be consistent with existing names. For example, there is a
>> stdname of
>> sea_surface_height_above_sea_level.
>>> 3. depth below surface
>> is depth, as you say.
>>> 4. geometrical height
>> What does this mean? i.e. height above what reference level?
>> altitude is height above the geoid. Maybe that is geometrical height?
>>> And for pressure vertical coordinates: is the correct standard_name
>>> 'air_pressure'?
>> Yes.
>>> Could these eventually be mentioned in the Convention besides the
>>> standard_names for dimensionless vertical coordinates?
>> This sounds to me like another possible entry for a FAQ. Would that be
>> a good
>> idea?
>> Best wishes
>> Jonathan
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Received on Mon Feb 10 2014 - 01:30:17 GMT