--- V57 standard name changes 1. New names Proposed by Martin Juckes for CMIP6 LS3MIP. change_over_time_in_amount_of_ice_and_snow_on_land (Canonical units: kg m-2) change_over_time_in_land_surface_liquid_water_amount (Canonical units: kg m-2) change_over_time_in_thermal_energy_content_of_ice_and_snow_on_land (Canonical units: J m-2) depth_at_shallowest_isotherm_defined_by_soil_temperature (Canonical units: m) mass_fraction_of_rainfall_falling_onto_surface_snow (Canonical units: 1) mass_fraction_of_solid_precipitation_falling_onto_surface_snow (Canonical units: 1) tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor_due_to_sublimation_of_surface_ice (Canonical units: kg m-2 s-1) tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor_due_to_sublimation_of_surface_snow (Canonical units: kg m-2 s-1) tendency_of_thermal_energy_content_of_surface_snow_due_to_rainfall_temperature_excess_above_freezing (Canonical units: W m-2) (N.B. tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor_due_to_sublimation_of_surface_snow has been added as a new name, NOT as an alias of surface_snow_sublimation_amount as previously stated. This is because the units of the two quantities are different (kg m-2 s-1 and kg m-2, respectively). surface_snow_sublimation_amount has been retained in the table as a separate quantity. 2. New aliases a. Three new aliases have been added as a result of the LS3MIP discussions: river_water_volume_transport_out_of_cell -> outgoing_water_volume_transport_along_river_channel river_water_volume_transport_into_cell -> incoming_water_volume_transport_along_river_channel surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux -> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_vapor_due_to_sublimation_of_surface_snow_and_ice b. Following the LS3MIP discussion in http://mailman.cgd.ucar.edu/pipermail/cf-metadata/2018/020250.html, water_evaporation_flux_where_sea_ice has been made an alias of the recently introduced name surface_water_evaporation_flux. Previously it was listed as an alias of water_evaporation_flux. This 'transfer' of the alias has been made because water_evaporation_flux, now itself an alias of water_evapotranspiration_flux, includes transpiration from vegetation, whereas surface_water_evaporation_flux does not. It seems unlikely that transpiration would occur in sea_ice areas. 3. Modifications to definitions of existing names a. Land water names Martin Juckes has pointed out that 'land_water' should include only the parts of grounded ice_sheets that do not displace sea water. The definitions of two existing names have been amended accordingly: land_water_amount change_over_time_in_land_water_amount b. Canopy names The LS3MIP discussions gave rise to an improved definition of 'canopy': ' "Canopy" means the vegetative covering over a surface. The canopy is often considered to be the outer surfaces of the vegetation. Plant height and the distribution, orientation and shape of plant leaves within a canopy influence the atmospheric environment and many plant processes within the canopy. Reference: AMS Glossary http://glossary.ametsoc.org/wiki/Canopy.' This text has been added to the definitions of 11 existing names: canopy_and_surface_water_amount canopy_height canopy_resistance_to_ozone_dry_deposition canopy_temperature canopy_throughfall_flux canopy_water_amount change_over_time_in_canopy_water_amount lwe_thickness_of_canopy_water_amount precipitation_flux_onto_canopy water_evaporation_amount_from_canopy water_evaporation_flux_from_canopy --- ------ Alison Pamment Tel: +44 1235 778065 NCAS/Centre for Environmental Data Archival Email: alison.pamment at stfc.ac.uk STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory R25, 2.22 Harwell Oxford, Didcot, OX11 0QX, U.K.Received on Wed Jul 11 2018 - 05:11:07 BST
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