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[CF-metadata] standard names for ocean model turbulent quantities

From: Tuomas Karna <karnat>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 16:25:35 -0800

Hi All,

We are currently in the process of migrating SELFE outputs to CF
compliant netcdf, using the UGRID conventions (http://bit.ly/ugrid_cf).

I have a question about the standard names for turbulence closures used
in ocean models.
We have the following fields:

- vertical eddy viscosity (diffusivity of momentum), unit m2 s-1
- vertical eddy diffusivity of tracers, unit m2 s-1
- vertical eddy kinetic energy (per unit mass), unit m2 s-2
- kinetic energy dissipation rate, unit m2 s-3
- mixing length, unit m

Looking at the documentation in [1], I guess for the eddy viscosity and
diffusivity we could use ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity and
ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity, respectively. But for the other
variables I haven't found a reference.


Would anyone know if standard names exists for these quantities, and if
so, where they are documented?

Best Regards,

Tuomas Karna
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Center for Coastal Margin Observation and Prediction (CMOP)
Oregon Health and Science University
karnat at stccmop.org
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