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(unknown charset) [CF-metadata] Standard names for isotopic ratios ?

From: (unknown charset) Armin Rauthe-Schöch <armin.rauthe-schoech>
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 10:36:01 +0000

Dear all,

I'm working with atmospheric aircraft data from the CARIBIC project (http://www.caribic.de/). When changing to a new file format, we decided to include CF standard names for our measurements.

Now I'm looking for CF standard names for the 13C and 18O isotope ratios of CO2 in the atmosphere and of the deuterium content of water vapor in the atmosphere. These ratios are usually expressed with a unit of per mil which would translate to a UDunits compatible unit of "1e-3".

But I did not find any isotopic ratios in the CF standard name table v27. Is this correct ?

What would a suitable CF standard name look like ?



Difference of the isotopic ratio of the carbon isotope 13C in carbon dioxide in a measurement relative to the same ratio in the Vienna Peedee-belemnite standard.

In the same way, I would need:

I'm just guessing here, could someone with more knowledge please help me here ?

Thanks and best regards,


Dr. Armin Rauthe-Sch?ch
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
Department of Atmospheric Chemistry
Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1
D-55128 Mainz / GERMANY
Tel. +49-6131-305-4123
Fax. +49-6131-305-4009
Email: armin.rauthe-schoech at mpic.de
Received on Mon Dec 15 2014 - 03:36:01 GMT

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