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[CF-metadata] Request for help relating Netcdf file and the projection issues!

From: Sami Khanal <sami.khanal>
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 19:33:22 -0000

Hi Dave,

You are right that the file does not have any projection information
embedded in it and I don't know what it should be. I am obtaining this data
from climatologist who are using WRF model to generate different climate
change scenarios. They are not much familiar with ArcGIS so I am trying to
figure out what the problem is with ArcGIS.The data actually is hourly
precipitation for the United States and I am basically trying to overlay
this information with US map (shapefile) in the ArcGIS platform to do
further analysis.

I could import it as a collection of points using Make NetCDF feature layer
as you suggested but I am now more inclined to the approach you suggested

Can I adopt the approach of redefining the axes if the data are in lambert
conformal conic projection? and if the answer is yes, how would I do so?



On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:17 AM, David Blodgett <dblodgett at usgs.gov> wrote:

> Your file appears to already be in lat/lon with no datum specified do you
> know what the data should be?
> Since it is curvilinear, ArcGIS won't read it as gridded data. Arc only
> really operates on "raster" grids.You have to import it as a collection of
> points using "Make NetCDF Feature Layer".
> If you know the original projection of the data, you could redefine the
> axes in a way that the data would be a raster grid. There are some
> complications importing raster grids not in lat/lon coordinates into ArcGIS
> though. If you think you want to try this approach, contact me and I can
> give more detail.
> Dave Blodgett
> Center for Integrated Data Analytics (CIDA)
> USGS WI Water Science Center
> 8505 Research Way Middleton WI 53562
> 608-821-3899 | 608-628-5855 (cell)
> http://cida.usgs.gov
> On Apr 14, 2011, at 8:10 AM, Sami Khanal wrote:
> Dear all,
> I ran into a problem while analyzing netCDF data generated by WRF model.
> My goal is to be able to convert the curvilinear grid structure in netCDF
> file to some other grid structure (i.e. to change the projection system into
> WGS1984 or some other projection).
> My ultimate goal is to be able to overlay grid converted from netCDF file
> to other grid in platform like ArcGIS.
> I have also attached one of the netcdf file I am trying to work with.
> I would really appreciate if you could provide me some information about
> these issues.
> Thank you very much for your help!
> Best
> Sami
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