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[CF-metadata] tickets regarding Projections and WKT representation

From: Etienne Tourigny <etourigny.dev>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 12:35:18 -0300

Hi all,

I would like to point out the following 3 tickets I have created in
trac, regarding Projections and WKT (Well-Known Text) representation.
The first two have been created 1 month ago and there has been almost
no responses.

1) fix documentation and definitions of 3 grid mapping definitions

This has been discussed in the list:

It addresses some errors and confusion identified in the definitions
of 3 projections.

2) Add sinusoidal projection

The sinusoidal projection is used in most of MODIS products. Only one
response so far - Jonathan has approved it.

3) Add missing CF parameters to translate Coordinate Reference System
properties to/from OGC Well-Known Text format

I created this ticket yesterday, and it has been discussed some time
ago on this list:

With Jonathan's help I have come up with a proposal to add CF
grid_mapping attributes that are missing to translate a projected or
geographic coordinated system to/from OGC WKT.

The following grid_mapping attributes would be added and described in Table F1

towgs84 (a double-precision array, with 3, 6 or 7 values)

I have also added substantial supporting documentation for CF/WKT
translation at https://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/trac/wiki/Cf2CrsWkt

This ticket is related to: https://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/trac/ticket/69
Ticket #69 is different, in that it allows to store the entire WKT
string in a grid_mapping attribute. This ticket aims to by-pass the
need for WKT representation in CF and the potential confusion, errors
and inconsistencies that can result from multiple definitions
(standard CF and the WKT).

Any comments are welcome!

Received on Wed Mar 07 2012 - 08:35:18 GMT

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