I would like to ask for the creation of three new standard names:
1) toa_net_downward_longwave_flux (units W m-2): Although there is no
downward flux of longwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere, this
name would allow to have a set of consistent names for all the fluxes in
forecasts carried out by the European coupled models, which consider all
the fluxes being positive downwards.
2) volumetric_soil_moisture_content or volume_fraction_of_water_in_soil
(units m3 m-3): Some soil schemes coupled to atmospheric general
circulation models use volumetric soil moisture content instead of mass
or thickness units. This variable would contain the volumetric soil
moisture integrated from the surface to the bottom of the lowest layer.
3) isotherm_depth (units m): The depth of the 20C isotherm is a useful
variable to diagnose, among other things, the variability of the
tropical upper oceans. However, I haven't been able to find any simple
way to code this variable using the CF standards.
Best regards,
Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
European Centre for Medium-Range
Weather Forecasting (ECMWF)
Shinfield Park, RG2 9AX
Reading, UK
Tel: +44 (0)118 9499 655
Fax: +44 (0)118 9869 450
f.doblas-reyes at ecmwf.int
Received on Mon Oct 16 2006 - 08:38:59 BST