On 3/16/2010 1:31 PM, V. Balaji wrote:
> Jonathan Gregory writes:
>> Dear John
>>> Im not sure if we ever converged on how to write ensemble files.
>> No, we didn't. If I remember correctly, we couldn't agree on the
>> relationship
>> between attributes and coordinates, and that was a sticking-point. I
>> thought
>> that we ought to allow multivalued auxiliary coord variables for
>> ensemble
>> axes, corresponding to attributes that might be used to describe a
>> single
>> model. I would give these standard_names to identify them. Paco
>> started the
>> discussion, and in the end he made his own decisions for what to do
>> for the
>> ENSEMBLES project (because CF had not concluded), so he might comment
>> on it.
> http://ensembles.ecmwf.int/thredds/ensembles/stream2/seasonal/atmospheric/catalog.html
> has examples of how Paco has it set up.
> (esp see the "mother of all aggregations" :-).
> It requires the ensemble to share the same space and time
> discretization.
in this case, it appears that perhaps
:standard_name = "realization";
would be used to figure out the ensemble coordinate (??)
a number of aux coordinates are used to describe the members, as pointed
to by the coordinates attribute on the data variables:
float g(time=1610, ensemble=54, level=5, latitude=73, longitude=144);
:coordinates = "reftime leadtime experiment_id source realization
institution time_bnd";
int realization(ensemble=54);
:standard_name = "realization";
:long_name = "Number of the simulation in the ensemble";
char experiment_id(ensemble=54, string4=4);
:standard_name = "experiment_id";
:long_name = "Experiment identifier";
char source(ensemble=54, string60=60);
:standard_name = "source";
:long_name = "Method of production of the data";
char institution(ensemble=54, string15=15);
:standard_name = "institution";
:long_name = "Institution responsible for the forecast system";
Received on Tue Mar 16 2010 - 15:38:59 GMT