Hi Jonathan:
Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear Bryan, John, Paco, Brian, et al.
> I think we are all happy with the idea of a realization dimension and
> auxiliary string coordinate variables (labels) with this dimension that
> contain the various metadata.
> John said that he would require one of these variables to have unique values
> (no repeats) so it could be used for selection. Brian pointed out that the
> current CF (6) provision for label coordinates doesn't have such a restriction.
> However, unique values are required for coordinate variables for the same
> reason that John wants them in this case. If we could regard a realization
> variable as a coordinate variable rather than as alternative label information,
> the uniqueness requirement would be natural. In netCDF string-valued
> arrays have to be 2D character variables, because there isn't support for
> true arrays of strings, but this is a restriction of the file format, and
> netCDF-4 does have strings (I believe). In netCDF-4 it would be natural, I
> think, to have a 1D array of strings whose name was the same as the name of
> its dimension e.g. realization(realization) i.e. a coordinate variable. We
> can't do this now: it has to be realization(realization,stringlength) and we
> even recommend against having a multidimensional array whose name matches the
> name of a dimension, so that it is not misidentified as a coordinate variable.
> But for strings it isn't "logically" multidimensional. So I would propose:
> * If a 2D auxiliary coordinate variable is of char type and its name is the
> same as the name of its first dimension, it should be regarded as a string-
> valued coordinate variable, and its string values should all be distinct.
> Coordinate variables are also required to be monotonic. Do you want to make
> this requirement too for string-valued ones? I can't see the need for it
> myself, because you don't perform operations on string-valued variables or
> use them for plotting positions, like you do with numeric ones.
> * If it has any other name, it should be regarded as a label/alternative
> coordinate variable as currently in CF 6, and the restriction does not apply.
I agree with this proposal. One can think of the "string dimension" as an artifact, and ignore it. Netcdf4 will have real Strings. Monotonicity is really useful only for numeric values, so i think "uniqueness of string values" is sufficient for string values coordinate variables.
I dont understand the next part very deeply, so i wont comment on it for now.
> In either case the nature of the metadata needs to be identified. Bryan says
> he "strongly disagrees" with my suggestion. I'm not sure which one of them he
> dislikes :-) but it might be my proposal that new standard names for these
> things (such as institution) should be the same as the new or existing names
> for global and data variable attributes. It seems sensible to me to make them
> the same names, so probably the objectionable bit is their designation as
> standard names.
> Bryan proposes that instead of standard names they should be some new
> attribute, because standard names are for physical quantities and we should
> know what is physical. John may also see an advantage in this. I can see there
> is a sort of difference, but I don't really think it's clear-cut. We already
> have standard names for some things that aren't really physical quantities in
> Bryan's sense e.g. land_cover and region (string-valued), and various platform_
> names (describing the observation platform rather than any quantity which is
> observed). I suspect there are grey areas. Why should we make a functional
> distinction, for instance, between the ensemble member number and the analysis
> time for various forecasts made for the same verification time? I think Bryan
> would put these in different categories. Moreover, the standard_name and the
> new attribute will have to be searched for in the same kind of way, and the
> values of the coordinates they label have to be treated in the same ways
> (selection, labelling axes, etc.); it complicates the software to have to
> do this with two different attributes and two different tables to look them up
> in rather than one. It seems simpler to me to make them standard names. If
> there is a need for a distinction, we could make it with some additional
> attribute. What different treatments are needed that should be flagged?
> I believe we agree that it's useful to have an attribute that points to an
> external dictionary. This could be useful for string-valued existing standard-
> named quantities such as region. I agree that it would be good if these tables
> weren't maintained by us, but I don't think we can do that (as I've said
> before) without an agreement with the dictionary-maintainer about the format
> and content of the dictionary. Do others think the same?
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
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Received on Wed Nov 22 2006 - 18:00:17 GMT