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[CF-metadata] Multidimensional variables as discrete sampling geometry data?

From: Aleksandar Jelenak <Aleksandar.Jelenak>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 14:39:52 -0400

Hi Steven, John:

Thanks for mentioning the CF-satellite list. I was told about it just
two days ago and have already joined.

My data is not of the satellite swath type. It is a time series of
calibration correction coefficients for all channels of a satellite
instrument. One (time, chan) variable for the slope and one (time, chan)
variable for the offset of the correction formula.

I came to the Discrete Sampling Geometries convention because I wanted
to serve my data via the NetCDF Subset web service of the THREDDS
server. That service supports only the Grid and Discrete Sampling
Geometry data types. I thought promoting the satellite into a station
with fixed latitude, longitude, and altitude would do the trick but
obviously not.

Let's not get hung up on the term "satellite" here. What if it was a
spectrometer on a pole, looking downward at a target? What CDM type is
most appropriate for this kind of data?

Received on Fri Oct 08 2010 - 12:39:52 BST

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