Hi Sean:
What feature of CF are you using that you need to preserve the version?
"If you torture data long enough, it will confess."
-- Economist Ronald Coase
On 8/28/2013 3:28 AM, Gaffney, Sean P. wrote:
> Hi,
> Here at the British Oceanographic Data Centre we use THREDDS to deliver
> and subset our numerical model data that we hold in CF netcdf format.
> I?ve just been made aware that during the delivery and subsetting
> process, THREDDS seems to be converting the CF files we hold from
> whatever CF convention they have been supplied in, to CF 1.0.
> Is this something that the rest of the community are aware of, and if
> so, do people consider it to be of major importance that the files
> outputted by thredds are in a different convention to the source files
> thredds interrogates?
> Cheers
> Sean Gaffney
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Received on Wed Aug 28 2013 - 09:56:54 BST