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[CF-metadata] Metadata conventions for coupled climate model carbon intercomparisons

From: Curtis Covey <covey1>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 13:53:39 -0700

John Caron wrote:
> Hi Curtis:
> http://www.climatemodeling.org/bgcmip/common_fields.html
> seems to be about standard name conventions. I can't tell easily from
> your web site if:
> 1. the output format is netCDF?
> 2. you are using CF conventions for coordinate systems?
Forrest Hoffman <forrest at climate.ornl.gov> is using the CMOR code to
create netCDF output. I presume that CMOR will automatically enforce CF
conventions for coordinate systems. Forrest is the person doing the real
work -- he can confirm if I'm right.

- Curt
> Curtis Covey wrote:
>> Dear CF Metadata Discussion Group,
>> The CCSM Biogeochemistry Working Group
>> (www.ccsm.ucar.edu/working_groups/Biogeo) invites your comments on
>> the conventions we've developed for the new Carbon-LAnd Model
>> intercomparison Project (C-LAMP). To see these conventions, go to the
>> C-LAMP Web site at climate.ornl.gov/bgcmip, then click on the link
>> "Developing a Common Set of Output Fields for the CCSM C-LAMP."
>> Note that C-LAMP presently involves just two or three versions of a
>> single model (the CCSM). As Pierre Friedlingstein has remarked, for
>> some purposes it might be considered a pilot project for the next
>> phase of the larger Coupled Climate and Carbon Cycle Model
>> Intercomparison Project (C4MIP). Accordingly, we do not intend to
>> wait for a formal endorsement by the CF group before releasing C-LAMP
>> output to the Working Group.
>> At the same time, we welcome your suggestions on how the C-LAMP data
>> conventions could be improved. I have copied this message to other
>> interested parties who may not belong to the CF Metadata Discussion
>> Group. Please forward to others I've missed.
>> We looking forward to hearing from you.
>> - Curt Covey for the CCSM BGC Working Group
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>> CF-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu
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Received on Mon Apr 30 2007 - 14:53:39 BST

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