Hi Steve & Nan,
Is this allowed in CF? Isn't ancillary_variable meant to be used for
per value metadata i.e. metadata for each and every value in the
variable it is referring to? If so, shouldn't the ancillary_variable
have the same set of dimensions and in the same order as the variable it
is referring to?
On 8/4/2011 2:17 PM, Nan Galbraith wrote:
> Hi Steve -
> I'm very interested in the background discussion on this -
> any chance of bringing it into the foreground?
> I'm using ancillary variables in 2-D in situ data files to describe
> instruments and things like precision, accuracy, sample scheme,
> etc.. For temperature files from moorings where different sensor
> types are at different depths, I'd like to use something like
> TEMP:ancillary_variables = "Instrument_manufacturer Instrument_model
> Instrument_sample_scheme Instrument_serial_number
> TEMP_qc_procedure
> TEMP_accuracy TEMP_precision TEMP_resolution";
> and then
> short INST_SN(depth) ;
> INST_SN:long_name = "instrument_serial_number" ;
> ... etc., etc.
> If there's going to be a standard way to do this, I'd really like to
> know about it - sooner rather than than later.
> Thanks -
> Nan
> On 8/4/11 11:35 AM, Steve Hankin wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Each variable in a CF file may possess an |ancillary_variables|
>> attribute, that points to variables that have relationships
>> (http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.5/cf-conventions.html#ancillary-data).
>> To attach flags to a variable, use |ancillary_variables| to point to
>> a variable that has |flag_values||| and |flag_meanings |attributes
>> (http://cf-pcmdi.llnl.gov/documents/cf-conventions/1.5/cf-conventions.html#flags).
>> We have started a discussion in the background, whether an example
>> that illustrates this should be included in the CF documentation.
>> - Steve
>> =====================================================
>> On 7/14/2010 6:21 AM, Jeff deLaBeaujardiere wrote:
>>> In another discussion, Steve Hankin wrote:
>>> > CF generally favors attributes attached to variables over
>>> attributes attached to files
>>> This reminds me of a question I wanted to ask: does CF have any
>>> conventions regarding how to handle data that contains multiple
>>> observed quantities with different quality flags, comment fields or
>>> other attributes for each quantity?
>>> -Jeff DLB
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> --
> *******************************************************
> * Nan Galbraith (508) 289-2444 *
> * Upper Ocean Processes Group Mail Stop 29 *
> * Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution *
> * Woods Hole, MA 02543 *
> *******************************************************
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