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[CF-metadata] standard way to store lookuptables

From: andrea antonello <andrea.antonello>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 2009 09:25:32 +0200

Hi Steve,
thanks for your reply.
I will try to clarify inline as much as possible.

> do the parameters "depend upon soiltype", alone??? In other words knowing
> only the soiltype, one can infer the other parameters without additional
> spatial information?

Yes exactly. For example in every place the soil is assumed to be of
type A, hydraulic conducibility is assumed to be constant.
Having several such variables, the easy way to go would be to have one
map per variable. In that case if the user, before a simulation or
whatever, would like to change one of these variable, he would have to
create a new map. Instead, by keeping just one map and all the
referring variables, there is just one value to be changed to tweak a
bit things.
I hope I explained a bit better my reasons.

>? If so these would be easily encoded using netCDF
> variables that all depend upon a dimension "numberOfSoilTypes".? Having said
> this I'd add that while this is a natural encoding in netCDF there is no
> explicit convention for it.

That sounds good. Coming from GIS world still blocks/blinds me a bit.
I have still problems seeing things that way. So I would add a kind of
"axis" for the soiltypes codes and then for everyone of those I could
add as many values as I wish.
I like this and it raises another question in my mind. If I want to
store precipitation timeseries for single stations, I would do the
same, referring to the time axis?
The reason I am asking, is that not exactly knowing how may stations I
would have, I would have to create variables named station1, station2
and so on. This all doesn't seem to be well described.

> From the perspective of the CF conventions the
> information in question is essentially metadata that a user might find
> helpful in the interpretation of the soilType variable.

Oh, ok, I got you. I am now wondering if I am being offtopic on this
mailinglist (I apologize if I am), since I am asking more about how to
deal with certain data structures.
Should this go to another list?

Best regards,

> Rather than go on with more incoherent discussion, maybe these remarks
> communicate the style of the confusion.
> ??? - Steve
> andrea antonello wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a real big doubt about how to store the following inside a
> netcdf in a standard way.
> Let's assume I have a raster map of soiltypes, which is a grid in lat, long.
> I then have several parameters, that depend on the soiltype, so that
> they are spatially distributed along the lines of the soiltype map.
> I could create a raster map for every of these depending parameters,
> but I really would not like to, because of different reason, one of
> which might be space.
> Instead I would highly prefer to keep a kind of lookuptable that
> bounds me the value of any depending variable to the soiltype
> category.
> I have no idea how that would be stored in a proper way into the
> netcdf-cf structure.
> Has anyone faced this before and has some documentation to point me to?
> Thanks,
> Andrea
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Received on Fri Oct 02 2009 - 01:25:32 BST

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