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[CF-metadata] Standard_name proposal for volcanic ash and radioactive particles

From: Karl Taylor <taylor13>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 07:40:42 -0800

Dear all,

I think what Roy proposes is o.k., but I would worry if we allowed the
use of "-" (hyphen) in standard_name.? I think that could be a mistake,
even though I can't come up with a strong argument. (perhaps something
about parsing being more difficult?? or reserving hyphens for compound
construction of future standard names??)


On 1/5/18 1:35 AM, Lowry, Roy K. wrote:
> Dear David,
> I would suggest that the guidelines be amended to cover the new use
> case presented by Heiko. Something like:
> Standard names consist of lower-letters, digits and underscores, and
> begin with a letter. Upper case is not used except for IUPAC symbols
> in the labels of radioactive and stable isotopes.
> Cheers, Roy.
> Please note that I partially retired on 01/11/2015. I am now only
> working 7.5 hours a week and can only guarantee e-mail response on
> Wednesdays, my day in the office. All vocabulary queries should be
> sent to enquiries at bodc.ac.uk. Please also use this e-mail if your
> requirement is urgent.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* CF-metadata <cf-metadata-bounces at cgd.ucar.edu> on behalf of
> David Hassell <david.hassell at ncas.ac.uk>
> *Sent:* 05 January 2018 08:21
> *To:* CF Metadata
> *Subject:* Re: [CF-metadata] Standard_name proposal for volcanic ash
> and radioactive particles
> Dear Jonathan, et al.,
> With regards the uppercase? issue, I'm not expressing an opinion
> either way, but just highlighting the standard name guidelines
> (http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-standard-names/docs/guidelines.html)
> which say
> Guidelines for Construction of CF Standard Names
> <http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-standard-names/docs/guidelines.html>
> cfconventions.org
> Standard names may be qualified by the addition of phrases in certain
> standard forms and order. These qualifications do not change the units
> of the quantity.
> "Standard names consist of lower-letters, digits and underscores, and
> begin with a letter. Upper case is not used."
> Is this document to be strictly adhered to, or should it be
> interpreted as just guidelines?
> Thanks, David
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