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[CF-metadata] species as species in chemical and aerosol names - "expressed as such"

From: Christiane Textor <christiane.textor>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 20:24:08 +0100

Dear all,

To follow up on Jonathon's question:

Jonathan Gregory a ?crit :
> Dear all
> Since Alison has reminded us this is still under discussion, I'd like to ask
> again whether anyone has a better idea than to use the phrases
> X_expressed_as_Y, or X_expressed_as_such, if X=Y for mass fluxes of chemical
> species, to indicate that there is a flux of X (carbon dioxide, for instance)
> but the mass units count it in terms of Y (carbon, for instance). Are these
> phrase clear enough?
> Cheers
> Jonathan

I find the terms X_expressed_as_Y, or X_expressed_as_such, if X=Y very
clear, but I am not sure when to apply it, because there is also just X.
For example should it be
dust_dry_aerosol or dust_expressed_as_such_dry_aerosol? In contrast to
e.g. dust_expressed_as_silicate_dry_aerosol.

Please comment!

Best regards,

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Christiane Textor
GMES France Atmosph?re - GEMS France
Service d'A?ronomie INSU CNRS, Tour 46, RDC # 2
Universit? Pierre et Marie Curie, Boite 102
4 place Jussieu
75252 Paris C?dex 05
Tel: ++33
Fax: ++33
Email: christiane.textor at aero.jussieu.fr
Received on Tue Oct 31 2006 - 12:24:08 GMT

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