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[CF-metadata] Is there ambiguity in labelling climatological time. Was: CF-metadata Digest, Vol 144, Issue 25

From: Jonathan Gregory <j.m.gregory>
Date: Tue, 5 May 2015 17:52:39 +0100

Dear all

I agree with the view that we shouldn't be more restrictive about which year
should be chosen for supplying climatological time coords. It is an arbitrary
choice (in fact the coord is always arbitrary when the value applies to the
entire cell, such as for a mean or a sum). The aim should be to be helpful to
the data-users, who will probably use the coord for plotting the data. My
preference is for the first year, since it's easiest to know which one that is!

Best wishes

Received on Tue May 05 2015 - 10:52:39 BST

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