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[CF-metadata] SIMIP: 5 standard names and one area type for CMIP6

From: Dirk Notz <dirk.notz>
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2018 09:25:19 +0200

Dear Alison,

after discussions with Bruno Tremblay, we only have some minor comments
on your suggested definitions:
> 1. sea_ice_horizontal_shear_strain_rate_maximum_over_coordinate_rotation
> (s-1)
> Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor representing the
> gradient of internal forces (e.g. in ice). Shear stress refers to
> off-diagonal element(s) of the stress tensor (a single element for
> horizontal shear stress). "Horizontal" refers to the local horizontal
> in the location of the sea ice, i.e., perpendicular to the local gravity
> vector. Each of the stress components is defined with respect to a frame
> of reference. "Coordinate rotation" refers to the range of all possible
> orientations of the frame of reference. The shear stress has a maximum
> value relative to one of these orientations. The maximum over coordinate
> rotations of the shear strain rate, often referred to as the maximum
> shear strain [rate], represents the second invariant of strain rate.

- It should be "strain rate" instead of "stress" everywhere.
- "Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor..." should read
"Axial strain is the symmetric component of the tensor..."

> 2. sea_ice_horizontal_shear_stress_maximum_over_coordinate_rotation
> (N m-1)
> Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor representing the
> gradient of internal forces (e.g. in ice). Shear stress refers to
> off-diagonal element(s) of the stress tensor (a single element for
> horizontal shear stress). "Horizontal" refers to the local horizontal
> in the location of the sea ice, i.e., perpendicular to the local gravity
> vector. Each of the stress components is defined with respect to a frame
> of reference. "Coordinate rotation" refers to the range of all possible
> orientations of the frame of reference. The shear stress has a maximum
> value relative to one of these orientations. The maximum over coordinate
> rotations of the shear stress, often referred to as the maximum shear
> stress, represents the second invariant of stress.

- "Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor..." should read
"Axial stress is the symmetric component of the tensor...

> 3. sea_ice_average_normal_horizontal_stress
> (N m-1)
> Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor representing the
> gradient of internal forces (e.g. in ice). Horizontal stress refers to
> the stress in the horizontal plane. "Horizontal" refers to the local
> horizontal in the location of the sea ice, i.e., perpendicular to the
> local gravity vector. Average normal stress refers to the average of the
> diagonal elements of the stress tensor and represents the first
> invariant of stress.

- "Stress is the symmetric component of the tensor..." should read
"Axial stress is the symmetric component of the tensor...



Dr. Dirk Notz
Received on Sat Jun 23 2018 - 01:25:19 BST

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