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[CF-metadata] Standard name definitions ... are these formal or flexible

From: Stephen Emsley <SEmsley>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 12:01:20 +0100

Hi all


I am currently sifting through the Standard Name table for potential candidates for naming geophysical products for a remote sensing satellite (ESA/GMES Sentinel 3). One of our data products is the concentration of suspended matter in sea water (TSM). I note that there is a standard name for the same. However, on examining the description for this standard name I discover the phrase 'Determined by filtration, drying and then weighing'.


My question is: How formally defined are the standard names? Could a satellite derived TSM concentration have a standard name concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water or must a new standard name be devised and proposed that, for instance, includes _from_satellite. Or, rather than proposing a new standard name, would our proposal be to widen the definition of the standard name currently within the table by removing the phrase concerning its measurement.


Similarly, the concentration_of_chlorophyll_in_seawater description targets in vitro assay using HPLC or fluorimetry and specifies Chlorophyll-a rather than the assemblage of pigments that would be detected using spectrometry from satellite.


Any advice appreciated. Are there any satellite ocean colour people on the list pondering the same questions vis-?-vis naming data products?


Many thanks




Dr Stephen Emsley

  ARGANS Limited Tel: +44 (0)1752 764 289

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                                                                                                                         Skype(tm): archonsme




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