Dear Heinke and Jonathan,
This is again a comprehensive proposal for chemical names and I would
suggest to look at the wiki page I have created in order to see if these
name fit into the general concepts. In addition, I would suggest to
propose groups of names and not individual names for clarity, and for
efficiency, as Heinke has already started to do. I think a lot of the
names suggested here could already be more consistent with existing
concepts, if there were clearer guidelines, for which you can find a fist
draft at:
Here are some comments on the proposal
- for all aerosol tracers you should add _ambient or _dry
> ********************************************
- The problem with athmosphere as a prefix or suffix _in_atmosphere
> ********************************************
- atmosphere_number_content_in_air
This fits into the group of names physical_quantity_of_X_in_medium Why
atmosphere and not _in_air?
> ********************************************
- atmosphere_mass_content_of_X_dry_aerosol
OR mass_content_of_X_dry_aerosol_in_atmosphere??
> ********************************************
- atmosphere_mass_content_of_water_in_AMBIENT_aerosol
> ********************************************
- total_aerosol_ambient_absorption_optical_depth_at_550_nm
As stated earlier: the 550nm should be given in the coordinate variable
Your TAU_COMP_X corresponds to the existing names, and I agree with
'atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_X_ambient_aerosol' But I
thought that optical_thickness=scattering+absorption, i.e. we could also
'atmosphere_scattering_optical_thickness_due_to_X_ambient_aerosol' and the
sum would be
I suggest to add a statement in the explanation that the old names
represents the sum of the scatt.+absorp.
> ********************************************
> for variables TAU_MODE and ABS_MODE, we should remove atmosphere,
because they are 3d, and in each model layer is given the optical depth
and is not the integration along the all atmosphere.
I do not understand, what do you mean? In the atmosphere describes the
medium where the variable applied, i.e. for example not in the ocean.
> ********************************************
- _due_to_impact_and_turbulent_deposition
I would summarize the impact under turbulent and just say
_turbulent_depostion, because it applies to particles moving in
turbulent flow.
I agree that turbulent_dep. + sedimentation = dry_dep and would suggest to
add this in the explantion of the existing dry_dep names.
> ********************************************
- position of expressed as: I agree with the suggested change and move it
to the species to which it belongs (as I have suggested before).
> this belongs to the sprecies. I like to discuss the new position of
> ********************************************
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission
Why is this needed? We have
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfur_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission_expressed_as_sulfur
> kg m-2 s-1 (This is the total emission of Sulfur species
> (SO2+SO4+DMS) expressed in kg(S))
This should be
and can also be H2S and COS?
> tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition_expressed_as_sulfur
> kg m-2 s-1
This should be
> ********************************************
> _in_air *******
> mass_fraction_of_water_in_ambient_aerosol_in_air kg kg-1
Check list of existing names, this exists, do not know about the others.
> _in_air_of_atmosphere_layer ***************************
I do not understand the sense of these names? why layer?
Why do you change the unit from kg to ug?
> ********************************************
> aerosols radiative forcing
there is a
do we not nead the ambient of dry prefix?
in_clear_sky is usually _assuming clear sky, please check existing names,
before proposing new ones.
it should not be aerosol_radiative_forcing but
radiative_forcing_due_to_aerosol to be consistent with other names. I do
not think that _total_ is needed, as it is not used in other names that
are the sum of different components.
existing names are shortwave_forcing, longwave_forcing, or if not short
or longwave radiative_forcing, but never short/longwave plus radiative as
suggested here. Existing names are constructed like this:
see the list of existing names, please.
so for example
> toa_shortwave_instantaneous_total_aerosol_radiative_forcing_in_clear_sky
please adapt your other names.
> ********************************************
> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_AMBIENT_aerosol
> atmosphere_absorption_optical_thickness_due_to_water_ambient_aerosol
this names exists:
so yours should be consistent.
Do not use optical depth, but optical thickness.
There is not exact definition for Aitken, Coarse mode particles, hence I
would suggest to avoid these names in CF
> ********************************************
> aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_at_atmosphere_layer
The medium is missing:
> aerosol_asymmetry_parameter
> aerosol_refractive_index_imaginary_part
> aerosol_refractive_index_imaginary_part_at_atmosphere_layer
> aerosol_refractive_index_real_part
> aerosol_refractive_index_real_part_at_atmosphere_layer
> aerosol_single_scattering_albedo
> aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_at_atmosphere_layer
> ********************************************
- aerosol optical depth
> total_aerosol_ambient_optical_depth
this name exists, "ambient" shoud be added to get:
Again, I would avoid acc. mode, coarse mode, etc, these are not clearly
Why aerosol_particle and not _aerosol_ ?
What is a wet/dry_aerosol_particle_ambient_aerosol?
> ********************************************
> aerosol_extinction_cross_section_per_particle cm2 (aerosol
> particle)-1
> aerosol_extinction_cross_section_per_particle_at_atmosphere_layer cm2
(aerosol particle)-1
at_atmospheric_layer? what would this mean?
Best regards,
Received on Mon Nov 10 2008 - 10:11:58 GMT