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[CF-metadata] New standard_name: downward_air_velocity

From: Nan Galbraith <ngalbraith>
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2016 10:31:25 -0500

I agree, it's consistent, and may as well be added.

That said, I'm not sure why we don't use 'vertical' for the vertical
component of
all these 3d velocity vectors, and then recommend an attribute that
would specify
the direction (up- or down-ward). I didn't have time to check whether
we have
any standard names that exist in both the upward and downward form ( I'm
not really sure if that would be a problem, any way, but it seems like
it might be).

The reason this is important in my data is that some current meters and
output a vertical velocity where the direction depends on the
orientation of the
instrument. The vertical velocity is also a measure of measurement
quality in those
data sets, since excessive vertical values usually indicate an error in
the other

Cheers - Nan

On 2/26/16 2:46 PM, Jonathan Gregory wrote:
> Dear Ken
> That looks good to me - clearly consistent with existing names.
> Best wishes
> Jonathan
> ----- Forwarded message from "Kehoe, Kenneth E." <kkehoe at ou.edu> -----
>> Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 20:31:31 +0000
>> From: "Kehoe, Kenneth E." <kkehoe at ou.edu>
>> To: "cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu" <cf-metadata at cgd.ucar.edu>
>> Subject: [CF-metadata] New standard_name: downward_air_velocity
>> CF,
>> Can we add downward_air_velocity to be the counter to the existing upward_air_velocity.
>> Definition = A velocity is a vector quantity. ?Downward" indicates a vector component which is positive when directed downward (negative upward). Downward air velocity is the vertical component of the 3D air velocity vector.
>> Thanks,
>> Ken

* Nan Galbraith        Information Systems Specialist *
* Upper Ocean Processes Group            Mail Stop 29 *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution                *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543                 (508) 289-2444 *
Received on Tue Mar 01 2016 - 08:31:25 GMT

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