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[CF-metadata] Re: Staggered Grids

From: John Caron <caron>
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 14:08:12 -0700

Schmidli Juerg wrote:

> Hi John,
> I read the "WRF staggered grids and vertical coordinates" thread on
> CF-metadata
> (End 2003/Beginning 2004) with great interest, as I would also like to
> adopt
> the CF-conventions for the output from our nonhydrostatic model.
> Do you know, what the current status of the affair is? How are the
> staggered
> grids treated in WRF? Have the WRF developers adopted the CF-conventions?
> Thanks for your help.
> Juerg

As I understand it, V. Balaji from Princeton / GFDL is proposing
something for staggered grids that the CF folks like. However, Im not
sure what the status is, so im posting to the CF mailllist; you might
want to join and dialog there yourself. Go to the home page to join etc:


I think the WRF folks would like to adopt CF when the staggered grids
are solved. Im cc'ing to Tom Henderson (WRF) because Im not sure if hes
on CF or not, and he can perhaps clarify.
Received on Fri Nov 18 2005 - 14:08:12 GMT

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